Wartime weekend a great success
Date: 29-08-2011
It might have been the time of ‘make do and mend’, but the recent wartime weekend organised by Fylde Council was a roaring success, not just for the town but also for the area’s shops too, including Clifton Walk.Crowds of up to 20,000 thronged the area over the two days, as shopkeepers entered into the spirit of things by dressing up as owners from a bygone era, residents and visitors to the area displayed all manner of vintage and classic vehicles from the 30s and 40s, and even a wartime-esque wedding took place as the wartime spirit truly took hold in Lytham.
Clifton Walk, as ever, was the preferred destination for many of the crowds during and after the event, with shoppers treating themselves to shoes, fashion, local meats and even speciality chocolates – certainly something which wouldn’t have been around during a time of rationing, but with such tempting treats on offer down at Clifton Walk, then who can blame the public for bending the rules a little bit!
Importantly, it was yet another event to place Lytham and Clifton Walk on the map. Our local retailers got a chance to show themselves in a great light to a large number of people, many of whom wouldn’t normally have shopped in the area. Confident of future customers having been enticed and retained, the shopkeepers of Clifton Walk will be ready and waiting for the next themed weekend with gleeful anticipation as this one proved to be a big hit with both wartime enthusiasts and traders alike.